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By definition, laser therapies are medical treatments that use focused light, and unlike most light sources, light from a laser is tuned to specific wavelengths. This allows it to be focused into powerful beams – beams so intense that it can be used to shape diamonds or cut steel. 


In medicine, lasers allow surgeons to work at high levels of precision by focusing on a small area, damaging less of the surrounding tissue. Through laser therapy, patients experience less pain, swelling and scarring than with traditional surgery. 


With no hidden extra costs and no maintenance expenditures to shell out, our Safe Laser is ideal for an entire roster of professionals looking towards the future of intuitive healing. These are just some of the myriad of benefits doctors, veterinarians, physiologists, beauty and massage therapists, dentists and many others can take advantage of when using Safe Laser: 


✔ Reasonable price 

✔ Ability to extend opportunities and service via provision of extraordinary laser treatments 

✔ Provision of harmless treatment for various injuries and problems 

✔ Reduction of recovery time 

✔ Durable construction (made with the same grade aluminum used on airplanes) 

✔ Low energy usage (battery operates lasers for hours) 

✔ Small, portable size (no need to expand examination rooms; easy-to-carry) 

✔ Improves business by providing unique laser treatments, translating into more profits 


There are over 3,000 practitioners using LLLT including NASA therapists, the British and U.S. military, Premier Football teams and the British Lions Rugby team.Considering the nearly infinite amount of uses for the Safe Laser, it’s time to discover for yourself why this unique, high-performance method has transcended the world of home use.


Not only do therapeutic lasers offer improved possibilities in the treatment of pain, wound healing, many kinds of inflammation and oedema, they also offer dental professionals the possibility of treating indications previously out of reach from the general dentist practitioner. 


Indeed, when most dentists hear the word “laser,” the immediately think of a hard laser that is used to cut enamel or soft tissue. Low level lasers fall into another subset of laser therapy that represents a virtually untapped commodity in dentistry, yet one which would be a huge asset to a dental practice and its patients. 


LLLT can benefit almost every aspect of a dental practice – regardless of whether it is a general dental office or an oral health specialist.  

Improved clinical outcomes and decrease of pain experienced by a patient after dental appointments have been achieved by: 


✔ Stimulation of endorphins

✔ Reduction in conduction of nerve fibers that carry pulpal pain (c-fibers)

✔ Stimulation of fibroblasts, osteoblasts and odontoblasts

✔ Increased circulation and lymphatic drainage


These days, laser use is becoming more of a standard of care than just some cool new tool; in fact, the number of dentists and dental hygienists utilizing laser technology in their private practices has doubled since 2008. 


If you are a dental professional looking to jump on the technological bandwagon rocketing into the future, Safe Laser is worth your attention.


Diseases of skin surfaces and mucous membranes (e.g. herpes, mouth wounds, ulcers and sores) and gingivitis, periodontitis and gum bleeding can be treated with red light (660nm) Safe Laser 150 more efficiently with optional fiber optics; however, the 808nm Safe Laser 500 and Safe Laser 1800 Infra can reach even deeper areas and is more suitable for relieving pain associated with:


✔ Toothaches – Inflammation buildups can be effectively and efficiently treated either by enlightening through the cheek or with the assistance of fiber optics.


✔ Mouth Surgery/Implantation – Recovery of soft and bone tissues is accelerated after dental treatments such as mouth surgery and implantations; laser applications improve the sticking of the epithelium (osteointegration) around dental implantations by enlightening through the cheek.


✔ Convalescence/Trismus – Following surgery, convalescence is reduced and stitches can be removed by way of Safe Laser treatment, while conditions such as lock-jaw (trismus) can be relieved in a matter of minutes while inflammation is reduced.

Beauty therapist

It’s a known fact that people spend more and more money to improve their skin condition and fight the forces that cause wrinkles…to the point it almost borders on obsessive. Machinery designed for the beauty sector can cost anywhere from £10,000 to £15,000, putting it way out of the financial reach for many working in the dermatology field. In stark contrast, our laser products cost anywhere from £599 to £3,899 – now, you may be asking yourself, how is this possible? 


Here’s the scoop: 


General laser products developed for hospitals and clinics are specialist-specific, meaning the purchase of such products is limited to certain professionals – this is why they can’t sell more products, as this is operating within a small market. On the contrary, home users can purchase the Safe Laser products – not just professional clinicians – so our company is able to sell much more and keep the price low.

Beauty is one the world’s largest industries, and into this foray has come our Safe Laser products, ready to offer a massive beauty-conscious demographic everything they wanted in a cosmetic solution. But what can Safe Laser actually do for the beauty professions? Low level laser therapy works by stimulating cellular growth and rejuvenation to an applied area, which enables effective cosmetic treatments such as helping to reduce hair loss, cellulite and providing skin rejuvenation for skin discoloration, fine lines and wrinkles.


Common cosmetic applications that respond positively to low laser therapy include: 

✔ Surgical wound site recovery 

✔ BurnsScar tissue 

✔ Mastectomy (post-surgery) 

✔ Fine lines and wrinkles 

✔ Facial veins 

✔ Fungus symptoms 

✔ Eczema symptoms 

✔ Elimination of post-treatment redness and/or pain 

✔ Eyebrow tweezing mishaps

Massage therapist

Providing different types of massage techniques is what all good massage therapists can offer their clients as they try and help them relieve pain and other problems. Our Safe Laser products can boost these results, as the additional treatment works on joints, tissues and ligaments while reducing the recovery time and providing solutions for many different injuries and health problems. 


If you are a massage therapist looking to take your practice to the next level, look to Safe Laser to help in situations where massage techniques are not possible. In extending your treatment offerings, we highly recommend the use of our SL-500 or SL-1800 lasers, which can treat your clients’ tissues up to 8-10 centimetres in depth. You can also offer low-level laser therapy treatment (LLLT) combined with your standard technique, or as an individual treatment. 


Massage and laser therapy complement each other, enhancing the overall treatment and bringing faster and lasting results. Other key benefits of using Safe Laser for massage therapy routines include: 


✔ Easy to use during massage treatment 

✔ Boosts massage results 

✔ Offers a 2 in 1 treatment approach


When it comes to our four-legged furry friends, we want the best medical care money can buy, as well. Through the miracle of Safe Laser, veterinary specialists can ensure their patients are kept as pain-free as possible with the shortest recovery time following any kind of treatment. This is precisely why more and more vets are turning to Safe Laser as an alternative method in their clinics. 


Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a rapidly-growing adjunctive therapy in the companion animal practice sector because it is a non-invasive procedure that uses light to stimulate cell regeneration and increase blood circulation – thus helping damaged tissue to repair. Further, LLLT can be used to treat dogs with arthritis, tendon or soft tissue injuries and to promote wound healing. 


Whether an animal is rehabilitating from trauma or injury, healing from wounds or simply succumbing to the effects of the aging process, laser has been shown to provide relief and rapid healing. Perhaps best of all, the almost immediate relief of pain and reduction in inflammation allows pets to enter a comfortable and relaxed state.

In summary, lasers for veterinary use make sense because: 


✔ It’s a safe technology for animals 

✔ They help to reduce irritation for easier rehabilitation 

✔ They focus on common problems to reduce inflammation and heal wounds 

✔ They’re ideal for post-operative care 


The Safe Laser devices can be used on their own or in conjunction with a pharmacological/surgical therapy on canines and other animals.

Plastic surgery

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The key to effective rehabilitation when it comes to high-performance athletics and Safe Laser is the fusion of high-performance and full confidence – put succinctly, professional athletes need professional laser therapy. 


An athlete, whether professional or amateur, routinely push their bodies to the limit, breaking through pain and energy thresholds each time they compete. Whenever an athlete puts stress on the body, the risk of injury or pressure on muscles, ligaments and tendons is significantly increased. The key strategies we’re referring to here are injury prevention and post-sport recovery; low level laser therapy is now widely used by professional athletes around the world to provide them with a competitive edge by preventing tissue damage and promoting faster healing when such damage occurs. 


When injuries transpire, an athlete focuses on a single goal: To recover and get back in the game. Low level laser therapy promotes natural regeneration of stressed tissues, thus re-energizing the body at the cellular level.

Prior to competition, low level laser therapy provides: 


✔ Improved flexibility of muscles and tendons 

✔ Enhanced lymphatic flow to drain cellular waste 

✔ Increased circulation, carrying oxygen throughout the body 

✔ Improved joint movement, promoting greater mobility and functionality 


For post-performance recover, laser therapy works to: 


✔ Increase production of endorphins for pain reduction 

✔ Increase rate of cellular growth and repair 

✔ Reduce fibrous tissue formation around injured areas 

✔ Stimulate tissue healing

✔ Increased body healing capacity  

✔ Ease-of-use for post-workout activities  

✔ Tissue healing up to 8-10 centimetres deep (SL-500/SL1800) 

✔ Acute and chronic problem treatment  

✔ Prevention of injuries  

✔ Increased microcirculation in the body


Safe Laser is a must-have accessory for personal trainers and trainers, as well.

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